Public Information Meeting

Public Meeting Overview

A public information meeting was held for the I-95 Widening: Savannah River to US 278 project on Thursday, September 15, 2022 from 5 - 7 pm at the NEW Hardeeville Recreation Center (285 John Smith Rd, Hardeeville, SC).

The purpose of this public information meeting was to:

  • Communicate the project's purpose and need with the public

  • Present proposed improvement options and receive comments on potential impacts and solutions

  • Gather information on historic or cultural resources

View all the materials that were available at the public information meeting below on this website. The official comment period was held September 1 - 30, 2022.


Purpose and Need

The purpose of the proposed transportation project is to improve capacity, mobility, and operations along the 10-mile corridor of I-95 from one mile into Georgia at the Savannah River to approximately mile marker 9 (just north of US 278) and to address operational deficiencies for interchanges and bridges within the corridor. The project team will evaluate options in this corridor to reduce traffic delays and congestion through 2050.

According to the I-95 Feasibility Report completed by SCDOT in 2021, this corridor ranks among the worst of the rural interstates in freight mobility. Furthermore, the Lowcountry continues to grow—more people and more jobs. While today’s traffic can seem heavy at times, traffic on this portion of I-95 is expected to intensify over the next couple of decades. In 2050, this portion of I-95 is anticipated to experience heavy traffic congestion. Click the images below to enlarge and learn more.

What is the purpose and need of this project?

What is the timeline of this project?

Traffic Growth

Traffic is expected to increase and result in an extreme level of congestion (think bumper-to-bumper traffic) throughout much of the corridor by 2050, if no improvements are made. Click the images below to enlarge and learn more.

What may traffic look like if no improvements are made to the corridor?

What may traffic look like if no improvements are made to Exit 8?

Potential Improvement Options

SCDOT is evaluating the following improvement options for the I-95 Corridor Main Line, John Smith Road, and Exit 8 (US 278). Click the buttons below to open a PDF and download maps of the potential improvement options. The I-95 Main Line map will only show the widening along I-95. To see the improvement options at the interchanges, please click those buttons.

What is a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) and how does it work?

A diverging diamond interchange allows free-flowing turns when entering and exiting an interstate, eliminating the left turn against oncoming traffic and limiting the number of traffic signal phases so vehicles do not have to wait as long.

What is a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) and how does it work?

Right of Way

The official right-of-way (ROW) acquisition process does not typically start until the federal environmental review process (NEPA) is completed, and the Federal Highway Administration issues a decision. If a build alternative is selected, meaning something new would need to be constructed, SCDOT would develop final ROW plans and acquisition activities would begin. Learn More.

Learn more about the SCDOT Right-of-Way process

How to Comment

We value your input. Please make sure to comment using one of the methods below (here on this site, by mail, by email, or in-person at the public information meeting) between September 1-30, 2022.

NOTE: Information provided, including name, address, and email, will be published and is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.



Craig Winn, PE c/o
South Carolina Department of Transportation Lowcountry Regional Production Group 955 Park Street
Columbia, SC 29202-0191

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At the Public Information Meeting on September 15, 2022 (5-7 pm) at the Hardeeville Recreation Center (285 John Smith Road)

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